How to advocate for the safety of trans students at school
Things to do:
- Prior to the start of school, meet with school administrators to work out a plan to ensure safety and to check for attitudes and biases of the school environment.
- Take information about LGBTQ and trans specific issues.
- Provide statistics about the experiences of school-age trans children.
- Request separate change rooms and gender neutral washrooms if they do not exist.
- Request that students be allowed to attend physical education classes according to their gender identity rather than biological sex.
- Request that all staff respect and use the child’s chosen name and use of pronouns.
- Connect with the Gay-Straight Alliance in the school to make introductions and show support and solidarity.
- Check in with the trans youth regularly to ensure their school experience is supportive.[Adapted from Child Welfare League of America & Lambda Legal (2006). Out of the Margins. A Report on Regional Listening Forums Highlighting the Experiences of LGBTQ Youth in Care.]